Please note that this site was originally designed with a single video production (outlined below and throughout this site). However, I am also now working on an improv project (Improvisational In-character Interview Project on Backstage) that should not be confused with the production showcased on this site. This site will eventually be updated to accommodate multiple projects without confusion.

“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.” — Zero Dean

After writing a book consisting of lessons learned from my own life, I founded From The Path Less Traveled Productions to help share the valuable lessons that others have learned from theirs.

My first project is a video documentary series (and podcast) about resilience and hope. See below for more details and how to get involved.

FTPLT Productions’ mission is to highlight interesting, inspiring & resilient people who’ve chosen unconventional paths, experienced uncommon things, or who have been subject to difficult or unusual conditions or circumstances on their journey — and to provide a platform to share their stories & the valuable lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Now seeking interview subjects for a video documentary series (and podcast) about resilience & hope.

See FTPLT project-related castings on Backstage:

Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled
Scars: Their Stories & What Was Learned
Video Interview & Podcast Project

Not a Backstage member? No problem.

Continue reading to see what this project is about below — and if you’re interested in participating, review the info for guests page to see if this production is a good fit for you and then apply here if you think it is.

Do any of these describe you?

  • Have you chosen a challenging or uncommon path in life?
  • Have you had to deal with challenging circumstances just to survive?
  • Have you had an uncommon job or rare life experience?
  • Have you ever been forced from the path you were on because of something unexpected?
  • Do you live unconventionally — have you adopted van life or do you live off the grid or in a tiny house?
  • Have you ever been homeless?
  • Have you ever felt like you’ve had to hide who you truly are just to fit in or meet someone’s expectations?
  • Have you ever felt like you were on the wrong path in life and then changed your life to go after what you truly wanted?

And, most importantly, have you learned valuable lessons as a result of your life experiences?

The Lessons Learned From The Path Less Traveled Project

It’s about resilience.
It’s about hope.
It’s about adversity.
It’s about defying the odds.
It’s about staying true to yourself.

It’s about goals, dreams & aspirations.
It’s about success, setbacks — and failure.
It’s about healing.

And it’s about sharing what you’ve learned to help others.

"I might have something to share, but I'm not sure my story is 'important' or 'inspiring' enough."

What people consider important or who they consider inspiring is subjective.

When people live through challenging experiences, they often don’t consider their actions to be particularly noteworthy because they only did what they had to do to get through them. But the fact is, the challenging experiences that people live through teach lessons that change the lives of those who have them. And in turn, could change someone else’s life when shared.

Whether you’ve overcome all the challenges in your life or not — and whether you consider yourself successful or inspiring or not — if you feel you’ve learned valuable lessons as a result of your life experiences, I’d love to talk to you and help you share them. 

The fact is, the struggles of our lives often provide far more valuable lessons than our successes ever do.

Success is about much more than the act of accomplishing goals, it’s about the journey to achieve them — and how that journey changes a person & what it teaches them — regardless of whether one ultimately ends up where they intended to go when they started.

Current status: (ACTIVE)

This ongoing project began in late August 2019, but was forced into hiatus in early 2020 due to the pandemic. It was brought back to active status in December 2021 with plans to continue through 2022.

For my current location, please see the red marker on map below. If you’d like to meet-up — for any reason — while I travel, be sure to get it in touch.

Red marker: Location when last updated Blue: Heading East or North — Purple: Heading South or West

For more detailed project-related updates, be sure to subscribe to the FTPLT blog (below), join the forums, or follow FromThePathLessTraveled on Instagram.

Rough cut excerpts from early video and podcast segments

Please note that the tone & style of individual segments will vary greatly depending on the guests involved. These excerpts are presented as rough examples & do not reflect final polish or presentation.

Let's keep in touch

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Subscribe to FTPLT Production updates to be informed of project related news & information. This is especially useful if you’d like to get involved with the FTPLT project in some capacity — or if you simply want to see or help support the kind of content produced.